I’m excited to share with you some zucchini recipes that I have brought home with me from estate sales, thrift stores and the like. Keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, I have not tried these recipes and don’t have any more information about them than what is shown here—and I make no guarantees about them! If you make one of them, feel free to let me know how that went by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page! If you have any solid info on this material (like who wrote a recipe or where/when it was published), definitely and kindly do get in touch asap. Thanks! ~Robin
Expolore more rescued recipes:
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Zucchini Rounds (Fritters), front and back of card

Zucchini Nut Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Zucchini Bundt Cake, front and back

Zucchini and Pepper Salad.
Italian Zucchini (side dish)

Zucchini Bread

Zucchini and Cheese Casserole

Unless otherwise indicated, all images are (c) Robin Grose. Recipe cards and clippings shared on this page were acquired at an estate sale in Alexandria, Indiana, in June of 2024.
Latest update: 19 June, 2024
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